My sweet baby boy is 5 years old today! During both my pregnancies, people would tell me to appreciate every moment that my children were little, because time would pass so quickly. I couldn't really appreciate the advice they were so kindly dispensing until my oldest started school 3 years ago, and time seemed to be literally flying by.
I thought it would be fitting on this birthday, as he is going to start Kindergarten in the fall, to post a few of my favorite photos of his life thus far.
In this photo, a nurse had just brought him out of the hospital nursery for me for the first time. He was less than one hour old. We had a good snuggle. :) |
One day old. He must be having a sweet dream. I love the expression on his face. |
Scrunched up face...the flash on my camera was disturbing his nap. No likey! |
3 months old, and a total ham for the camera! :) |
9 months old. He loved his blue swing in the backyard. |
Peek-a-boo would bring on frantic giggles every time. The sound of a baby laughing is the most beautiful sound in the world. It doesn't matter what kind of day you've had, it just makes your heart smile. Well, mine anyway. |
Adam would watch the birds and insects flutter around, and many times, he'd doze off for a quiet nap in his swing. I'd sit close by reading a book, or play with Andrew in the garden. |
19 months old. I tried to find a photo of him in his car seat that conveyed his feelings for his car seat. For the first year of his life, he would scream and cry whenever he was buckled in to his baby seat. It got better when we purchased his toddler seat you see in this photo. He wouldn't throw a fit anymore, but he was still not sure he liked having to be buckled into a seat. |
He eventually made peace with the car seat. (3 y.o.) |
Brothers, and best buddies. (Cheaha, 2 y.o.) |
He loves being out in nature. Always has.
(Cheaha National Park, 2 y.o.) |
I came around the corner of the garden to find that the two boys had climbed on Scott's old Land Rover. (restoration project) Fearless, those two! I had to snap a pic. before making them get down. (4 y.o.) |
Enjoying a rare Alabama snowfall... (4 y.o.) |
Adam, I love you so very much, and am so proud of you. You make me happy everyday. I love being your Mom! Watching you grow from a small, helpless baby to a smart, independent, caring, and funny young man has been a joy, and a privilege. I will miss you when you start school this fall, but I know that it will be the beginning of a new chapter in your life, and a what a grand adventure it will be! |
I couldn't close this post without Adam's furry best friend, Rudy. We adopted a shelter dog for each of our boys when they were 1 year old, and Rudy has been Adam's constant sidekick through (almost) every adventure. |
Happy Birthday to Adam! Looks like he has a great friend in Rudy :)
Happy happy birthday to Adam! What a cute little friend he has! I loved your photo montage!
Thanks for visiting my blog !!! Glad there is another Bama Girl.. Love the pictures of your boys. They are so cute !!! We love Cheaha Park. Takes us only about an hour to get there. We used to camp all the time at Cheaha & DeSoto !!! Tell Adam Happy Birthday! I am now a follower of your blog !! So glad to find another Alabamian!!!
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